Monday, November 5, 2007

Generalised, Generic, Configurable frameworks. Worthwhile?

My opinion is no! I don't think that frameworks should be so generalised, as to not be able to do anything particularly well.
Generally I think, these sorts of frameworks are overengineered. The reason?
Well, what is the point in designing some framework that can be applied to literally any situation, but requires so much configuration and tuning to make it work at all? That doesn't seem useful to me, it seems like a headache! I'd say that this comment is especially relevant if you consider the situation where a framework can do all those different things, but in reality is only ever used for one very small and specialised set of tasks.
Personally I think it's a much better idea to implement a test driven approach, or at least one that includes proper unit testing, then you implement what you need, and refactor to include those "future features" as they become requirements.
Using proper OO, using interfaces and the like, and good designs should allow the refactoring of the code, to extend and expand it to fit new scenarios.

The big difference is that the solution then only implementing what it needs, and is therefore more likely to be tuned to those tasks, and be easier to maintain, and better performing to boot!

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